June 20, 2008

surf with less ads{hack}

. June 20, 2008

This is a little trick to surf with less ads.
-Step one-
Locate the hosts
Win 98\ME

There you'll see a file called 'hosts'

-Step two-
Download the hosts file
Now you can add hosts to the
hosts file or simply download a complete hosts file.
The above one is from http://www.mvps.org/ and it's a
great one.

If you want to add a site url, you can do this like
CODE www.domain.com

-Step three-
Understanding how this
It fairly simple. What this file does is remapping the domains to 127.0.0.* is used by nothing on the internet, it doesn't exist, but
if you ping, you'll get an answer from your own pc.
If a site
want to load an image (http://www.domain.com/justanexample.gif) from http://www.domain.com, then it
will go to for the image and since it
doesn't exist, it won't show.

-Step four-
Reboot. It's not always
needed, but just reboot to be shure.

Yes, this simple hack
can cause some problems, some sites wait before they get an answer from the
sponsor (ie. google ads) and the site will work very slow or totaly not. You can
simply rename the hosts file as long as needed and after the visit you can
rename it 'hosts' again to surf with less ads.

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